Thursday, November 8, 2012

White & Aqua Dresser

She Is Finally Done
With the heat & then winds it took awhile to finish but
 she is done & ready for a new home

This was my first attempt at painting what I call a "messy look", meaning it's not painted solid white, the paint is heavier is some spots than others. I know there is probably a correct name for this look but I am not too sure what it is lol..

The color is Magnolia by La Craie paint (purchased at Fox Hollow Cottage) & Annie Sloan clear wax.  The Aqua is a mixture of a few colors I had on hand. 

I just love the fact that I do not have to sand, strip or prime the furniture prior to painting when using the La Craie chalk paint.  Saves me soooo much time ;)

Please be kind with your words, I am still new to refinishing furniture & learning as I go.  Constructive Critisism welcome.  Mean words are not ;(

La Craie paint can be purchased at

Thanks for Looking



  1. It turned out so pretty Nicole. The color on the drawer fronts is perfect. I like seeing it in the daylight. It really shines :)

  2. LOVE. Cute idea to paint the top drawer fronts aqua, I really like that.

    Great job xox

  3. Great job!!! I love the aqua against the white!! Gorgeous!!!

  4. I love the new paint colors. Great job. I also have been looking into painting old furniture and bringing it back to life. Going to be starting out small helping my daughter paint a chest of drawers she bought for $20.
    Have a great weekend. xo

    1. Hi thank you so much ;) I started out small also, I bought a $20 piece from salvation army and just went from there. I was surprised at how much I am enjoying it. I just wish I could find some more vintage type pieces to do. all our thrift stores pretty much have the same types of furniture. Good luck, post a picture of your projects when they are done ;)

      You have a great weekend also xo
